All expectant moms should take responsibility for their health during pregnancy, especially in the first trimester, in order to give birth to a healthy baby. It is in the first three months that the active development and formation of all vital systems and organs of the embryo takes place, which then will only continue their growth. Responsibility in this case means proper and full nutrition, taking vitamin complexes, healthy sleep, walking in the fresh air, avoiding stressful situations and much, much more.
However, compliance with all necessary precautions does not always occur, and the reasons for this may be very different. For example, a woman does not know about the pregnancy yet. Therefore, many of the pregnant women lead a habitual lifestyle, which does not always have a positive effect on both the mother and the fetus.
There are also reverse situations: a pregnant woman knows about her situation, but it is not so easy for her to part with her previous behavior. For example, many of them ask their doctors whether it is possible to wear heels in the early stages of pregnancy, and the answer of specialists in this case is usually unambiguous: it is not recommended.
That is, there is no direct ban, but every prudent mother should know that wearing shoes with stilettos can damage her back by increasing and redistributing the load, cause swelling of the legs, shift the fulcrum from the foot to the toe. The latter affects not only the walking of the pregnant woman, but also the placement of the embryo in the abdomen.
Therefore, the height of the heel, in extreme cases, should not exceed three to four centimeters, but it is better to start wearing flat shoes initially. Some of the expectant mothers prefer the tactics of gradual rejection: a smooth transition from hairpins to wedges in one and a half to two months after pregnancy. This also applies, for example, to drinking alcoholic beverages. Yes, everyone knows about the dangers of taking alcohol on the fetus, but sometimes you want, say, a little beer…
The doctors themselves differ in their opinions on this. Some believe that beer in the early stages of pregnancy will not cause any harm to the mother herself and the future baby, and once a week, well, if you really want, then you can. Other experts, on the contrary, are categorically against the consumption of this product by pregnant women.
Moreover, some of the doctors speak out quite sharply: “Of course, drink as much as you like, but you are slowly undermining the health of your baby, and only through your fault will he be born crippled or with a chronic disease.” So only the expectant mother can choose here. Real free porn movies online porn USA, UK, AU, Europe.